How to make a Tryout ApplicationDon't forget to scroll down and read the portal message on:
It'll give you an idea of what to expect when you apply.Some things to consider:1. If you do not make an application in this format your application will be locked and you will be asked to make a new one.
2. We only accept people who are mature - So please if you think you are mature and creditable then u may make the tryout.
3. You will be rated on your performance at your tryout by sG. members, this will only be
part of what determines whether or not you are accepted to the clan. Even if you do well on your tryout, there is still the possibility of being denied.
4. After you have created your tryout topic and have your GUID checked you may put
Rct. {recruit} In front of your name, so we can spot you easily in our servers.
5. If your tryout is accepted, a certified admin will add
(ACCEPTED) to the end of your topic title and you may make a final application.
6. If your tryout is denied, a certified admin will add
(DENIED) to the end of your topic and you may not make another tryout application for one month.
7. If you are good with computer or your good with photoshop or any other skillz you have please do list it - its a bonus point for you. we have special rank for you. So please list if you are good with video editing or photo artistery
8. We perform Guid/background check for every member who signs up the tryout application, So if you have hacked in the past and your guid is not clean, then u might get ban from the Server aswell as the site.
WE DON'T TOLERATE HACKERS10.Make sure you are completely clanless. If you left a clan just recently, please post your verbal confirmation that you resigned in your application. Confirmation can either come from your old clan leader or an administrator.
You have to be at least 15 to join #sG. Being Denied:: We possess the liberty to deny you with or without a tryout for the following reasons:1) Your overall reputation.
2) Gameplay we have seen of you in the past.
3) Visible immaturity from the get go.
4) If you plain suck and/or we don't like you.
5) If you're fucking stupid.
How to make a tryout applicationCall of Duty 4 Ingame Alias:
Your Xfire:
Are you able to donate? [Y/N]:
Your age:
Your real name (If you're comfortable with it.):
How long have you played COD4?:
Other games you play:
How often do you come online?:
What country are you from?:
What is your favorite gun?:
Do you play Promod?:
Do you have any problems with Punkbuster?:
What clans have you been in before?:
Do you know how to use Ventrilo?:
Do you know how to use Rcon?:
Will you post on the forums everyday?:
Do you have experience with forums?:
Do you have a microphone?:
Do you have any computer Specialty:
Are you good with image editing and video editing?:
How did you discover us?:
Please make this New topic in the tryout section - It take up to a week to final the tryout, depends how often you come online - so please be patient.
After you have done making your application put Rct before your name. So we can spot ya.
Tryout Special Exception: Potential::***- If you happen to end up failing the Tryout, but out of special exception we find potential inside you, we will give you an another chance for a re-tryout.*** Your tryout application will be passed and you will be allowed to wear tags but with the suffix "Rct" in the end.***
So your tag will be "
Conditions of an "Rct"1) You will not receive ICC verification.
2) You are not officially part of the sG. You are an "Rct." trying to work your way there.
3) A single mistake or negative Feedback regarding your behavior or gameplay will forfeit your chances to be part of sG.
4) You will not be put in the Roster.
5) You cannot sign in Roll Call.
6) You will not get legend Blue Color sG. member label.
Please review and remember these conditions of being an RCT carefully.
ADD crimsence or muhaymin123123 or modernsniper31 on xfire to arrange a tryout !All The Best,