Name: Robert Hayward
Age : 16
Nationality: British
Can you donate via paypal or can you post money through the mail?
[Donation will get u rank in sG. - And you will be looked as highly respected and loyal member] I have no bank account..
Where you from: Shrewsbury, England, UK
whats your Specialty: No scoping
What gun is your Favorite(has to be a Sniper): M40A3
Are you good at knife(yes or no): yes
How did you know about us: Momo
Do u have any recommendations by any sG member: ( you must have Recommendations or else ur application will be denied) Momo
Who was your Spectator: ( You must have a Spectator can be either MOD or Admin) Lutix/Footwork/Momo
Were/are you in any other clans: Yes, I snipe {iS} i was their Artist
Can you host a server: No
Do you have Microphone: Yes
Your Computer Spec: Dell Inspiron 1545, Intel Celeron Proccessor, 3.00 GB RAM, 32 bit opertating system.
*** I fucked the tryout up big time, I do play well in games, and im joining #sG through my artistic skills
Thanks guys, and pleased to be with you.