Your Name/screen name: #sG. SmK/smksnipers on xfire and for my buddies- just call me Aleks;)
What rank are you Applying For : moderator
Why do you think we should promote you: been with the founders of sG since the start of {iS} they are my buddies, and i wanna get back into helping people now. was one of the founders of s3 the clan me mudz momo and apples started as a fun clan, turned out to get a bit bigger than that, managed to get to this! alot more tough, proud of it
Do you have any experiences of the rank you are applying for?
if yes ? Show some proof. alot of experiance, speak english verry well + norwegian and understand sweedish and danish.
for proof ask brainz or apples even mudz for me beeing experianced. thanks.