Name:Toon Verkade
Age :16
Can you donate via paypal or can you post money through the mail? i cant im sorry
Where you from:beglium
whats your Specialty:err playin games beeing chil not raging
What gun is your Favorite(has to be a Sniper):r700
Are you good at knife(yes or no):yes
How did you know about us:my mate vivaz and i playeed on the sniper server before
Do u have any recommendations by any sG member: ( you must have Recommendations or else ur application will be denied) vivaz
Who was your Spectator: ( You must have a Spectator can be either MOD or Admin)brainz, lutix,
Were/are you in any other clans:i was in dkk
Can you host a server:yes
Do you have Microphone:yes
Your Computer Spec:i dunno i got a gaming pc i cando ANYTHING on it