Your Name/screen name: #sG. GrAphicZ
What rank are you Applying For : Moderator
Why do you think we should promote you: I have had alot of conversations/discussions about taking care of people in the past, I have a bunch of experience, I am a great person with a great personality, I just went under a life changing event, I am completely changed now and I feel that I am ready for this responsibility.
Do you have any experiences of the rank you are applying for?
if yes ? Show some proof. Yes i do have experience but god it sucks not have a capture card
Also one more thing, I have been noticing alot of name changes, momo left, neko was TNO slapped, Apple'Z isnt very active, From my recent activity with momo and our discussions he has given me the courage to finally ask again knowing that i might get rejected, and well you gotta admit... GrAphicZ the Moderator does sound kinda kool lawl!
-~Love and Peace from GrAphicZ